Hi Jenna, Theron, Markus and Julian!
You are going to do your assignments for the independent novel you read, right on this blog!!  Make sure you do your best work as always.  Remember, everyone can read your posts!
I will be posting different questions or activities for you to do.  Some will involve you answering questions.  Others will involve you commenting on another students posts.   My goal is for there to be various activities to do on this blog.  
Your first job will be to reply to this post, with your name and the name of the novel you chose to read.

Markus Waldner
4/13/2010 04:14:34 am

I read the book called,"THe wings of Icarus," By: I do not know.

Jenna Waldner
4/13/2010 04:19:19 am

My book is called 'Peanut Butter is Forever', by Melanie Zola. Frankly I think peanut butter is not forever.

Theron Waldner
4/13/2010 04:50:49 am

I read ' One John A. Too Many', and it was written by Richard Wright, and I think that maybe one John A. too many would have hurried up the pace of building the CPR.

julian waldner or me
4/13/2010 04:56:16 am

I read Always Ask For A Transfer by Vancy Casper. I think the title has nothing to do with the book.

4/13/2010 05:00:19 am

Theron, what are you talking about , somthing about CPR? Can you explain.

Werner Winklestone
4/14/2010 01:38:15 am

I read Daytime, by Sun Rise


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